Market Look-For’s
- Bright, tight skin. Shriveled skin means some moisture has been lost due to age.
- Even shape throughout length of cucumber.
- Medium to small cucumbers will have the smallest seed cavity.
- The heavier the cucumber in the hand, the juicer it will be .
- Cucumbers can be stored for several weeks on end in the fridge in a plastic or paper bag.
- The way that a cucumber is cut dramatically changes how it feels when eaten. Slice thinly to mimic paper-thin deli meat. Cut into planks to highlight the cucumber in any dish. Cut into rounds or in similar sizes to the other ingredients if you want them to match importance in the dish.
- Pickling cucumber have a bumpier skin and a small seed cavity.
- Smooth skinned slicers are generally more desirable for salads.
- Don’t plant too close to your melons or the melons will never ripen.
Site by Bryan Morrison