Baby Brassicas Wilted with Roasted Parsnips

- 1 lb parsnips or carrots, washed and peeled
- glug of olive oil, about 2 T
- ¼ tsp fennel seed
- pinch of chili flakes
- 1 bag spring greens: mustard, tatsoi or kale
- 1 lemon, zested and juiced
- Preheat oven to 425F
- Cut the parsnips or carrots into 2 inch long pieces
- Toss with oil, fennel, chili flakes and salt and pepper and spread onto a cookie sheet or in a roasting pan into a well-spaced single layer. If the roots are piled up on top of each other, they will steam rather than roast
- Cook until the roots are very tender and have developed a nice crust on the outside
- When the roots are done, toss with the greens and lemon juice and zest adding a splash more oil as desired. The greens will wilt slightly with the heat of the roots.
- Taste, adjust and serve immediately.
Posted 7/21/2015
Site by Bryan Morrison